The Carlsbad Labyrinth is completed!

City Council approved the project in October 2010.   Roy King of King's Consulting cleaned the concrete slab to prepare it for painting.  Wendy and Paul Amato painted the base coat and lines, assisted by James Clark.  

To find the labyrinth:  Go East on Church street until it ends at the park (near the train).  Go up the steps under the "Municipal Beach Park" sign, and walk South (right) .

To walk the labyrinth, follow the path between the brown lines.  Go as fast or as slow as you want.  Notice your initial reaction.  Are you curious?  Tentative?  Many believe our approach to a labyrinth is a mirror for how we approach life. 



Labyrinth researcher and author Lauren Artress writes:  “We are drawn to the labyrinth because it replenishes our imaginations and restores our natural rhythms.  The literal path becomes the symbolic path leading us through life.”


For more information on laybrinths, visit the Labyrinth Society: